I learned a lot from you. I learned how to pray, I learned about spiritual warfare and resisting temptation and I also learned the most important lesson, which is to be obedient to Holy Mother Church.
Well, many years have gone by since you kept me company at night when my husband was working at his job. We cancelled our cable and I stopped listening to your preaching, but I have always carried with me the lessons I learned from you.
Tuesday, after the announcement from your order that there may be evidence that you have broken your priestly vows, and after I had a good cry, I realized that I am still learning from you. Here are the things I have learned in the past few days:
That, although my family prays for priests on a daily basis, we need to step up the prayer, because all priests seem to be under tremendous attack, especially of late.
I learned that, although we are all sinful in many ways, the Holy Spirit can and does still use us for good despite our sinfulness. All the teachings you taught me are still valid even though you may have been living a sinful lifestyle while preaching to me.
And the most important thing I learned recently is that the Church goes on despite the sins of mankind. Jesus told us this was the case and, over and over it has proven to be true. The Church is both a sign and a sacrament. She is not merely a fellowship. Your actions and circumstances have underscored that for me today.
I cannot judge whether or not the charges against you are true or false. That is between you and God. I do know that you have been ordained a priest forever and it breaks my heart to see you in street clothes and referring to yourself as 'John.'
Father Corapi, the Lord has brought you to your knees in the past and it seems that He is doing it again. I am not presuming guilt or innocence, but the Lord is allowing you to be publicly humiliated for a reason. This time, reach out to Him in humility and allow Him to heal you. There are thousands of people praying for your conversion. Do not waste the prayers of those who love you. Many of us are faithful Catholics because you brought us deeper into our faith. We are here for you now and we hope that you will benefit from our prayers and petitions just as much as we have benefited from your preaching.
With love from your spiritual child,