Thursday, May 7, 2009


Entry for June 14, 2008
We were saying the rosary tonight, like we do every night. The rosary consists of 5 sets of prayers (decades) and during each set of prayers, you meditate on some event from Christ's life, through the eyes of His Mother, Mary. Tonight we were saying the Glorious Mysteries and Genevieve likes to be the one to announce them.
"The first Glorious Mystery is The Resurrection...of the body!!!"
I don't know where that came from, but we pray. After the first mystery we have to stop and remind some of the kids to pray reverently and actually say the prayers instead of sitting there with there mouths open, staring off into space.
"The second Glorious Mystery is The Ascension...of the body!!!"
We all meditate on Jesus' ascension to Heaven. After we are done, two of the kids need to go to the bathroom. We wait. We say the third mystery. During the third mystery, Charlie says, "One hour!" We all chuckle a bit. When we are done, Joe says, "Yes, Charlie, it does seem like the rosary is taking an hour tonight."
"The fourf (this is how she pronounces it) Glorious Mystery is The Assumption of Mary...of the body!!!"
When it comes to the fifth mystery, we all say, "The fifth Glorious Mystery is the Coronation of Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth." Then Noah says, "Of the body!!!" We all laugh.
The rosary is supposed to be a spiritual bouquet that you offer to God. Each prayer is another beautiful flower in the bouquet. In our case, we have the chuckle patch from the old TV show The Magic Garden.**
**If you don't remember this show, check out this link:

Entry for June 10, 2008
I took Charlie to the doctor yesterday because he was complaining of a sore throat. They decided to do a culture and while we were waiting for the results he told me he had to use the bathroom ("Use the bathroom, please."). So, I find the bathroom and he goes in. I stand outside and wait a minute, then poke my head in. He is washing up. "Don't forget to flush," I remind him, then close the door. I hear the flush and the water goes on again. I wait a bit, then poke my head in. "Why don't you dry off now?" I suggest. He takes the paper towels and dries his face, then his arms, then back and...legs? I burst out laughing. If anything, Charlie is definitely clean! And he doesn't have strep! Hooray!
Charlie does the same thing with the holy water at church. He will scoop some up, the rub his whole face, then hair, then pull up his shirt and rub his back, but he hasn't gone so far as to douse his legs, probably because we stop him before that. We get stares, but who cares? The kid is holy!

Entry for June 09, 2008
My birthday was Friday. I will not tell you how old I am, but ask any one of my children and they will be happy to. They remind me every day of my deteriorating age. For my birthday this year I wanted longer arms, so I could see. Didn't get them. I guess it is time to break down and get the reading glasses, hmmm?
This was a great birthday. As a pre-birthday gift, Joe got home early on Thursday night and told me to go shopping by myself at Zona Rosa. I took him up on it and got some new clothes.
First thing Friday morning I got a call from a friend of mine, who informed me that she attended 6:30 a.m. Mass and offered it up for me.** She also sang me Happy Birthday, a capella. After the pleasant phone call, we had the requisite tantrum over a pair of shoes. But we were able to get out the door to 9:00 Mass before it was over. It was First Friday, so Fr. Greg exposed the Blessed Sacrament and we all said the rosary in front of Jesus. To me, this was a huge added birthday bonus. After Mass, we headed over to my friend Suzanna's house. She had planned a small gathering of homeschooling families from our parish so that we could meet them. Very like Suzanna-- she is extremely thoughtful. She did this without knowing it was my birthday. We all had a really nice time and stayed way too long. It was an excellent way to spend a birthday morning!
In the afternoon a couple of eager helpers assisted me in making my birthday cake. We made a lemon bundt cake with lemon frosting and decorated it with whole strawberries. Charlie made brownies while we did the cake.
When Joe got home we left for Olive Garden. When the kids asked where we were going, he told them Chez Poisson, but they weren't falling for that again! It was crowded when we got there and a look of alarm came across the maitre d's face when I told him we were a party of seven. But, in about 2 minutes we were seated at a quiet, out-of-the-way table. Bella gives me 2 gift bags, one with 2 new pairs of earrings that the girls had picked out by themselves and one with a brand new prayer journal. Perfect gifts for me! During dinner, the kids were very well-behaved and, except for the 6 trips to the bathroom, we had a nice time. The kids told the waitress it was my birthday. "21?" she asks. "Twice," I tell her. Before we left she brought over several waitstaff to sing me a birthday song. My family thinks it is hysterical. I thank her for the public humiliation and she says I am very welcome.
We get home and rest for awhile because we have gorged ourselves on salad and breadsticks. Then we have cake and brownies and head off to bed. It may not have been the most glamorous birthday, but for a homeschooling mom of five, it was just perfect.
**For those of you who have no idea what this means, it is the Catholic way of saying, "I prayed for you."

Entry for June 04, 2008
Charlie has a new laugh. He sounds just like Tim Hulce in the movie Amadeus. All I need to do is get him a white wig and we can take the show on the road. Too bad he can't play piano...
Check it out:

Entry for May 29, 2008
I will not go into how this happened, but several crayons ended up in the dryer. There was a load of laundry in there, too. It was a color load, but now it is REALLY a color load. Not in a good way.
On the internet it tells you to use either Goo Gone or WD-40. I call Joe at work and ask him to bring these things home. I will not describe to you the hysterical, screaming, crying way I asked. After work, Joe shows up with WD-40; the store didn't have Goo Gone. I had to go shopping anyway, so I take the long trip to Walmart and buy the Goo Gone. I also go to the grocery store as well, and buy lots and lots of groceries-- hey, I'm not in town that often-- I have to take advantage. When I get home, Joe and the kids unload the car while I unpack. Then I go into the laundry room to start the hard work. I open the dryer. It is all clean. Joe took care of it when I was out. Yippee! I get the pile of laundry that has crayon-induced stains all over it and look for the Goo Gone. I cannot find the Goo Gone. "Did anyone see the Goo Gone?" I ask. No one has seen it. I sigh deeply. Then I begin to mutter under my breath. I will not tell you what I muttered. I look all over. It's nowhere to be found. I call Walmart. They don't see it at the register, but they tell me to come in tomorrow and get another one. I thank them politely, but I am thinking that I wish I just had the stuff instead of having to drive 9 exits on the highway back there to get something I already bought. Sigh...
I go back in the laundry room. The WD-40 is there. I use it on all the clothes, let them sit and then rub all the spots with dishwashing detergent (this is what it said to do online, who am I to question?). Then I set the washer to the pre-soak cycle. Before it drains I set it again. While I wait, I begin to straighten up the laundry room. Better get this WD-40 put away before we have another laundry accident, I think to myself. I open the cabinet and what do my incredulous eyes behold??? The GOO GONE!!! It is in the cabinet along with a couple other things that I bought earlier. I make a noise that sounds a little like this: "Praarrrf!!!" Then I pick up the Goo Gone and hold it in my hand and stare at it while trying desperately to remember when it was that I put it away. I have no recollection whatsoever.
So, here I am blogging, while the laundry soaks. Hope it works. Joe's summer work pants were in there, along with Bella's favorite jeans. Well, if the WD-40 fails, I can always use the Goo Gone.

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